Peters & Peters

Event – Travel Risk Management: legal risks and mitigation

Now ISO 31030 travel risk management (TRM) guidance for organisations has been published, what are the legal implications for TRM arising from the publication of this new benchmark?

The seminar will cover:

– Expert insights from leading lawyers on TRM from UK, US and France
– What liabilities exist for both organisations and C-suite executives
– How these risks, liabilities and compliance standards are evolving
– What steps can organisations take to better manage these risks and reduce liabilities
– Examination of case studies/scenarios to bring issues to life
– Panel including legal experts, travel management specialists and those who shaped ISO 31030
– Discussion – Q&A

The event will be followed by a drinks / canapés / networking event.

When and where?

Tuesday 15 November, 15pm-19.30pm GMT

The Inner Temple, Crown Office Row, London, EC4Y 7HL

Who should attend?

– Senior corporate travel / travel risk professionals
– C-suite executives with responsibility for travel risk
– Senior legal professionals in large corporates


Andrew Wallis, Of Counsel, Peters & Peters
Paul Johnson, Of Counsel, Peters & Peters
Bob Quick, Executive Director and Founder, GS Accreditation
Frédéric Bellanca, Partner, Dartevelle Dubest Bellanca & Associés
Fabrice Dubest, Partner, Dartevelle Dubest Bellanca & Associés
Ben Fischer, Partner, Morvillo Abramowitz Grand Iason & Anello PC

– Laetitia Piroddi, Travel Risk and Security Manager, PwC