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Infographic – ISO 31030: Travel legal risk and mitigation


ISO 31030 was published in 2021 and is the world’s first truly global benchmark for travel risk management. Providing a framework of good practice, it is an important document for corporates, which would do well to understand the implications and complications arising from travel risk when sending their employees abroad for work. This infographic summarises […]

Andrew Wallace Thinking

Travel Risk Management: ISO 31030, legal risks and mitigation


From left: Fabrice Dubest, Ben Fischer, Frédéric Bellanca, Brian Moore, Bob Quick, Laetitia Piroddi, Dave Wood, Andrew Wallis, Paul Johnson, Lee Whiteing On 15 November, together with our partners, we hosted a seminar on the legal implications for travel risk management (TRM) arising from the publication of ISO 31030. The seminar was aimed at senior […]

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ISO 31030 travel risk management – UK, US and French approaches


Now that the world has begun to re-open, we might occasionally catch ourselves remembering lockdowns and Friday night country risk categorisations as a thing of the past. Over the past two years, we have seen planes grounded, the hospitality industry brought to its knees, and holidays and overseas travel for work cancelled. As corporate travel […]