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Nick Vamos discusses Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s extradition hearing


Meng Wanzhou’s extradition hearing in Vancouver has finally come to an end, following more than two years of proceedings which have triggered geopolitical tensions between the U.S, China and Canada. In the next few months, Associate Chief Justice of the British Columbia Supreme Court Heather Holmes will decide whether Meng should be handed over to […]

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Anna Bradshaw on proposed new EU anti-money laundering guidelines


The European Banking Authority is consulting on proposed guidelines for anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) compliance officers. Anna Bradshaw speaks to Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence on the motivations driving the proposals and how they fit into the EU’s efforts to strengthen the wider AML/CTF framework: “The level of detail in the proposed guidelines […]

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Hannah Laming on the criminal accountability of companies


This summer marked 10 years since the UK Bribery Act 2010 came into force. A significant power granted under the law was the corporate offence of ‘failure to prevent’ corruption or bribery, which can make businesses criminally responsible for the actions of their employees and agents unless they can show adequate preventative measures are in […]

How fraudsters exploit the NFT craze


Damien Hirst unveiled The Currency earlier this month — a dual collection of 10,000 A4 paper “spot paintings” with 10,000 corresponding non-fungible tokens (NFTs), each worth $2,000. The catch? Hirst’s patrons have until 3pm on July 21, 2022 to choose whether to keep the NFTs or trade them for the physical work — whichever they […]

Corporate responsibility: how we support our community, people and planet


At Peters & Peters we live our lives upholding justice – not just for our clients but for our communities, our people and the future inhabitants of our planet. Our community initiatives deliver opportunities and support for disadvantaged people, often near to where we live and work, through practical activity and partnering with charities. Our […]