Peters & Peters

When is ‘green’ a red flag? Identifying eco fraud and supply chain risks

In March, the UK government released its Green Finance Strategy, setting out plans to attract investment to help achieve the country’s net zero ambitions. Then, a month later, the National Fraud Strategy came out, revealing that fraud is “by far” the UK’s most common crime, representing 40% of offences in England and Wales.

However, no mention is made in either document on what should be done to tackle the potential fraudulent exploitation of green money.

In this article for Fraud Intelligence, Dan Hyde makes the point that the risks that businesses and individuals face from eco fraud are complex and different to those arising from conventional frauds.

He discusses what amounts to eco fraud, how it can be identified, the current contrasting legal obligations for supply chain due diligence and potential options for addressing eco fraud risks.

Please note that the article requires registration.


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