Michael O'Kane

Sanctions on wealthy figures linked to Russia are Kafkaesque


Since Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, the UK, US, EU and other jurisdictions have imposed a plethora of sanctions on Russia, including on business figures who are believed to have links with the Kremlin. In the UK, a designated person can challenge their designation, first to the minister who made the designation and, if […]

Michael O'Kane

Overview of sanction regimes in UK, EU and US


In this podcast, Michael O’Kane, Maya Lester KC talk to Dr Christian Rosinus, of Rosinus Partner, about sanction law. They begin by outlining the general EU, UK, and US sanctions jurisdictions, highlighting their similarities and differences. Michael then explains the applicability of UK sanctions and Maya addresses the influence of post-Brexit case law by the […]

Michael O'Kane

Eugene Shvidler’s case is going to UK Supreme Court


The UK Supreme Court has granted permission to Eugene Shvidler to appeal against the Court of Appeal judgment upholding sanctions against him. Michael O’Kane acts for Mr Shvidler. This will be an important case on the UK courts’ approach to targeted sanctions challenges. The UK designated Mr Shvidler in March 2022 for being associated with […]

Michael O'Kane

Watch: sanctions de-listings in the UK, EU and US webinar


Earlier this week, Michael O’Kane hosted a discussion on the different approaches of the courts and governments in the UK, EU and USA to the issue of removing people and companies from targeted sanctions lists, including analysing recent case law. The recording of the webinar is now available to view. The speakers  – Michael O’Kane, […]

Procedural aspects of proceedings before the EU courts


The Academy of European Law recently held a seminar on sanctions in the EU’s external relations. The seminar covered the legal aspects of restrictive measures applied by the European Union, including the recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Anna Bradshaw gave a presentation on the procedural aspects of proceedings […]

Anna Bradshaw

Londongrad forever? Why the UK may never seize Russian assets


Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, plenty of bold words have been uttered, calling for Russian assets in the UK to be seized. Suggestions included taking over the mansions of Russian oligarchs in London to house Ukrainian refugees, taking assets held in UK banks to fund its war effort or to help rebuild Ukraine […]

Peters & Peters

Don’t let an armed conflict get in the way of London litigation


The full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was a calamitous event which has given rise to extraordinary hardship and global repercussions that continue to reverberate. Away from the battlefield itself, many have been displaced and businesses disrupted globally. One self-interested concern that arose in the legal community, inevitably, was how this would impact on […]

Court of Appeal ruling on challenging sanctions designations


The joined appeals in Dalston Projects Ltd and others v Secretary of State for Transport and Shvidler v Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs presented the first opportunity for the Court of Appeal to provide guidance on the correct approach to challenges to sanctions designations brought under section 38 of the Sanctions […]

Anna Bradshaw

Are British carmakers circumventing sanctions on Russia? Anna Bradshaw advises that the industry should keep an eye out for red flags


Anna Bradshaw was interviewed on Sky News about whether British carmakers are getting around sanctions on Russia.   Anna spoke about how the industry “has to be more aware of what red flags to look out for and what to do when they become aware of something that potentially looks like circumvention.”

Peters & Peters

Peters & Peters secures delisting of Igor Makarov from UK sanctions list


Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the UK government imposed sanctions on persons believed to benefit from or support the Russian government. Mr Makarov was designated by the UK in September 2022, allegedly because he was involved in supporting the government of Russia through carrying on business in the Russian energy sector. […]