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Webinar: If Russia invades


“If Russia Invades…..” A webinar of sanctions experts discuss what sanctions the West might impose on Russia if it invades Ukraine.  Watch here for the discussion between – Adam Smith, partner at Gibson Dunn and former senior OFAC official – Chloe Cina, banking compliance specialist and former UK Foreign Office advisor – Maya Lester QC […]

Why I work with Peters & Peters


Jonathan Tickner

Do the courts favour the party with the largest pile of chips?


The English Courts have expressly stated that “it is a principle of our law that every citizen has a right of unimpeded access to a court”. This is supplemented by the right to a fair hearing enshrined in article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Readers will be aware of the key role […]

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Nick Vamos quoted extensively in the media on Julian Assange extradition hearing


The U.S. government has won its appeal to extradite Julian Assange, but this may not be the end of the U.K. legal proceedings. Nick Vamos is quoted extensively in print and news media discussing how the next steps in the process are uncertain and legally complex as Mr Assange has now appealed to the Supreme […]

Go back to basics to fix fraud epidemic. Hannah Laming discusses in The Times


Fraud cases are on the rise, and it is an epidemic which shows no signs of subsiding. In the past year, Action Fraud, the national fraud reporting centre, received more than 875,000 reports of which fewer than one per cent had a judicial outcome. Fraud accounted for 40 per cent of all crimes in 2021 […]